

Privacy Policy

At Kutumbh Konnect, we understand that privacy is important to our customers, and we are committed to protecting their personal information. The Privacy Policy depicts the type of personal information we gather from users, how we use and protect that, and the choices our customers have with regards to the use of their personal information.

Information We Collect

  • We may collect personal information from our customers when they use our website or mobile application. This information may include, but is not limited to, their name, contact information and location data. We may also gather information about the users’ usage of the website and mobile application. These include the features and content they access.
  • In addition, we may collect personal information when our customers communicate with us, such as when they contact our customer support team.
  • Use of Personal Information

  • We may use the personal information collected from our customers to offer, maintain and improve our products and services, including our website and mobile application. Kutumbh Konnect may also use this information to communicate with customers about their accounts or its products and services. The intent is to inform them about updates to our website or mobile application. Below are some specific examples of how we may use personal information:
  • Providing, maintaining, and improving our website and mobile application: We may use personal information to ensure optimal functioning of our website and mobile application function and to make necessary updates or improvements to these services.
  • Communicating with Our Customers

    We may use personal information to communicate information to customers about their account or our products and services. These may include the updates to our website or mobile application.

    Anonymous Data Analysis

    We may analyse the usage of our services and website anonymously and use it for product improvements and marketing decisions.

    Marketing and Promotional Activities

    We may use personal information to send promotional materials and offers to our customers, as long as they have provided us with the consent for the same.

    Third party analytics:
  • We may use third party analytics to gather insights and performance metrics of our website and mobile applications.
  • We will not use personal information for any other purpose not mentioned in the Privacy Policy without obtaining the customer’s explicit consent.
  • Process Payments

    Process gratuity payments promptly to eligible employees upon their retirement, resignation, or termination, as per the provisions of the Act. Employers must pay the gratuity sum to their employees within 30 days from the due date.

    Documentation and Acknowledgment

    Obtain acknowledgment from employees upon receiving gratuity payments. Maintain documentation of payments made, including acknowledgment receipts and any relevant paperwork.

    Fines or Penalties In Case of Non-compliance

    Non-compliance with the Gratuity Act in India can lead to penalties and legal consequences for employers. Here are some potential fines or penalties for non-compliance.

    Legal Proceedings

    Failing to comply with the provisions of the Gratuity Act can result in legal proceedings against the employer. This may include complaints filed by employees with the controlling authority under the Act.


    Employers found guilty of non-compliance may be liable to pay compensation to the aggrieved employees. This compensation can include the overdue gratuity amount, along with any additional damages or interest as determined by the authorities.


    The Act empowers the controlling authority to impose penalties on employers who violate its provisions. Penalties can vary depending on the nature and severity of the non-compliance but may include fines or other punitive measures.

    Court Orders

    In cases of prolonged non-compliance or refusal to comply with the orders of the controlling authority, employers may face court orders mandating compliance, along with additional penalties or consequences for contempt of court.

    Protection of Personal Information

    We prioritise protecting our customers’ personal information by implementing appropriate technical, administrative and physical security measures to prevent unauthorised access, use, or disclosure. We understand our duty to ensure the personal information collected from our customers remains secure and protected against unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure. This includes implementing appropriate technical, administrative, and physical security measures. Some specific examples of these measures include:


    We may use secure algorithms to encrypt personal information in order to protect it from unauthorised access or disclosure.


    We may contemplate using firewalls to help prevent unauthorised access to personal info

    Access Controls

    We may allow personal information access to only those employees, contractors and third-party service providers who need the same to perform at the workplace and are trained on data protection and privacy regulations.

    Third party Audit:

    We may ask external security experts to ensure the security of our systems and the protection of personal information.

    Incident Management
  • We may put in place incident management protocol to identify and respond to unauthorised access or disclosure of personal information.
  • We will not store personal information longer than required by the purpose it was collected. Once found of no use, it will be securely deleted.
  • We will also make our customers learn about the potential risks associated with sending sensitive information through unsecured channels, for instance by email or through unencrypted file sharing systems. Additionally, we will encourage them to use secure communication methods.
  • Data Backup

    We may regularly backup personal information to protect data in case of any system failures.

    Sharing of Personal Information

    We do not share personal information with third parties, except as required by the law or as necessary, to provide our customers with products and services. We may share personal information with third parties for certain specific reasons. These may include providing our products and services to our customers. Here are some specific examples that may call for sharing personal information.

    Service Providers

    We may share personal information with third-party service providers, such as payment processors and hosting service providers, who help us provide, maintain and improve our website and mobile application. These service providers are contractually bound by our policies and agreements to secure personal information.

    Compliance with Laws

    We may share personal information as required by the law, such as in response to a subpoena or court order.

    Business transfers

    In case of a merger, acquisition, reorganisation, bankruptcy, or other similar event, we hold the rights to transfer personal information as part of the transaction.

    Anonymous data
  • We may share anonymous data, which does not identify our customers, with third parties for research, analytical and marketing purposes.
  • We hereby notify that we will not share personal information with third parties for their own marketing or promotional purposes without receiving explicit consent from our customers.
  • We will also share information regarding any third-party data processors and/or data controllers used by us for data processing and shall also ensure that they also adhere to the laws and regulations.
  • We will also regularly review our agreements with third-party service providers and data processors to ensure that they are protecting personal information while conforming to our standards and applicable laws.
  • Choice Regarding Personal Information

  • Our customers may refuse to provide us with their personal information or may request that we delete any of their personal information. However, this may restrict our ability to provide our products and services to customers.
  • Some specific examples of the choices available to our customers include:
  • Providing or Withholding Personal Information

    Our customers may provide us with personal information when using our website or mobile application, or they may decline to provide this information. However, if they decline to provide certain information, they may not receive access to certain features or services.

    Opt-out of marketing communications

    Our customers may unsubscribe themselves from promotional or marketing communications we send. They can do this by following the unsubscribe instructions in an email, or by connecting with us on our contact numbers.

    Requesting access to personal information

    Our customers may request access to their personal information that we have collected, and we will provide them with a copy of this information upon request, subject to applicable laws and regulations.

    Requesting deletion of personal information
  • Our customers may request that we delete any personal information we have collected about them. However, please note that under certain circumstances, we may need to retain some personal information to comply with the Indian laws and regulations.
  • We will maintain a record of the requests we receive, and the action taken on the same.
  • It is important for us to be transparent and inform our customers about their rights and choices related to their personal information. We will also share clear and concise instructions on exercising their rights and choices.
  • Terms and Modifications to this Privacy Policy

  • We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, and we will post any new versions on this page. Upon making any material changes to the way we use your personal information, we will share the notification to the last e-mail address you provided to us and/or prominently post a notice of the changes on our website. Any such changes will become effective upon the earlier of 30 calendar days following our dispatch of an email notice to you or 30 calendar days following our posting of notice of the changes on our website. These changes will be effective immediately for new users of (Name of Company). Please make sure to update your personal information to provide us with your most current email address.
  • In the event that the last email you have provided us is not valid, or for any reason we are not capable of delivering to you the notice described above, our dispatch of the e-mail containing such notice will nonetheless constitute effective notice of the changes. In any event, changes to this Privacy Policy may affect our use of personal information that you provided to us prior to our notification to you of the changes. If you do not wish to allow changes in our use of your personal information, you must notify us prior to the effective date of the changes that you wish to deactivate your account with us. Continued use of Kutumbh Konnect’s assets following notice of such changes shall indicate your acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to comply with the terms and conditions associated with such changes.
  • Enforcement

    We may use the information we collect in connection with your use of (Name of Company) (including your personal information) in order to investigate, enforce, and apply our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

    Dispute resolution

  • If you reckon Kutumbh Konnect has not adhered to this Privacy Policy, you may write to it at konnect@kutumbh.com.
  • In your email, please share details on what made you believe Kutumbh Konnect did not comply with the Privacy Policy. We will investigate your complaint promptly
  • Effective Date

    Kutumbh Konnect is committed to securing the privacy of personal data and complies with Indian laws and regulations. These laws include but are not limited to Information Technology Act 2000, Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules 2011.

    Terms & Conditions

    Company Address:

    Kutumbh Care Solutions Pvt. Ltd. B-154, B Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301


    +91 8130020181



    ©2024 Kutumbh Konnect. All rights reserved.