How to Focus on Core Business While Targeting Growth

How to Focus on Core Business While Targeting Growth

As market opportunities continue to open up in India, firms need to assess their strengths if they wish to expand without losing out on the several aspects that are vital in their operations. Thus, it seems reasonable to analyse how outsourcing such services as HR, customer support and compliance services can contribute to business development in India. So, let’s begin.

Defining Business Goals: Quantifying the Growth Opportunity

India’s economy has been growing at a fairly good rate and is projected to be growing at a per capita GDP of 7.5% in 2023. This is a factor that any business that intends to get a broader market base should take advantage of. While defining the growth targets for the Indian market, it is important to set SMART targets.

For instance, a software firm with goals of expanding its operations in India may have a target of raising its first-party active user rate from 50000 to 100000 within the next two years. However, a manufacturing firm could strive to increase sales in India by up to 20% within the same time frame. Consequently, measurable goals give businesses a clear picture of their development strategies and how they can strive to achieve their goals and objectives.

Strategies for Focused Growth: Outsourcing Non-Core Functions

Outsourcing solutions from third-party providers are gaining popularity as firms seek to strategise their operations to manage the complexity of core business processes such as HR, customer support, and compliance. Such an approach helps them utilise outside specialised knowledge and equipment, whereas internal resources can be focused on core production and sales activities.

HR Support Services
Understanding and dealing with the various labour laws and talent management issues that are present in India can be a huge discouragement to companies. Considering HR support services from companies like Kutumbh Konnect would be a great idea. This company assures businesses of complying with local laws, streamlined employee onboarding processes, and thorough support to employees. All these work as the advantage of a company’s internal HR, which will then focus on the organisation’s overall workforce planning and training.

Customer Support and Compliance Services
Indeed, customer satisfaction and experience determine the success of businesses and their evaluation when operating in a country such as India, however, these factors should be supported by resources. There are also numerous advantages to outsourcing customer support services to a service provider that offers call centre support in multiple languages, availability of customer support 24/7, the smooth integration of the service provider with analytics, and constant innovation in customer support services without diversions through other businesses.

Furthermore, the compliance environment in India includes a large number of rules related to taxation, labour laws, data protection, and rules for specific industries; this responsibility overwhelms companies. Therefore, enterprises can rely on a dedicated compliance service provider such as Kutumbh Konnect and ensure compliance with all legislation and regulations, avoid costly outcomes, and focus on the areas that would be most beneficial for a company’s development.

The Benefits of Outsourcing: Freeing Up Resources for Growth

By outsourcing non-core functions to specialised service providers, businesses can enjoy a range of benefits that support their growth objectives in the Indian market:

Improved Operational Efficiency: Some benefits that can be derived from outsourcing include increased productivity, reduction in mistakes that might result from an organisation practicing a new technique, and general efficiency due to reliance on economies of scale.
Enhanced Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing HR, customer service support, and compliance functions, the business can focus more of its time and resources on its core value propositions, the creation and sale of its products and services, and critical decision-making processes.
Cost Optimisation: Contracting out these functions can lead to considerable cost reduction because service providers typically have the resources and bulk purchase advantages to provide such services at a lower price than in-sourced personnel.
Scalability and Flexibility: Outsourcing customer support services can also add capabilities to augment the relative growth of the businesses without necessarily disrupting their markets, thus it may be easily implemented and easily managed.
Access to Specialised Expertise: By engaging with a well-established service provider like Kutumbh Konnect, businesses can be assured that they are working with professionals who understand the Indian market and compliance requirements and can provide the best practices in their industries.

By using the capabilities of outsourcing partners, companies can concentrate on their competitive advantage, become more effective in organisational processes, and enhance prospects in the context of the Indian economy.


While businesses try to capitalise on the growth chances in India, there is always the need to stay tactical on the firms’ activities while addressing the issues arising from growth and expansion. Outsourcing of HR support services, customer support services, and compliance services to service providers like Kutumbh Konnect allows the management to cut down their operating costs and spare time to focus on the vision and mission of attaining faster growth in the Indian market.